Today, Wyatt Tolles from Education of the Cosmic Kind is out guest in this series.
Wyatt opens up about the essentials that bring life and learning into his Montessori classroom. He shares about comforting things that instill a sense of community and responsibility among the students, and names immersive science and language materials that encourage exploration. Wyatt highlights the importance of music for creating an engaging atmosphere and the unique touch of incorporating his personal hobbies into his classroom activities, fostering a sense of tradition and find memories.
I like that the things he shares also tell us about his personal journey as an educator.
Wyatt is an elementary teacher and it is pretty interesting to see similarities and differences with the choices of primary guides.

1. Class pet

2. Chest of drawers with objects

3. Atom Builder materials

4. Sentence Analysis materials

5. JBL speaker

6. Wooden arrow

7. Volumetric Geometric Solids

8. Betrayal at House on the Hill board game

Wyatt has AMS credentiales in EC and ELI-II (3-12) and is currently enrolled at Sarasota University in their Master’s Degree in Montessori Leadership program. He is also a TEP course instructor for ELI and ELII at West Side Montessori School TEP.
I love that you are sharing your personal journey through the Montessori curriculum.
This was great! I enjoyed reading about the diverse ideas. It will make me look deeper into sentence analysis work! Thank you for sharing your ideas, my thought process about the classroom and needed items has been expanded.